
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Why Mobilizing Ektron-based Sites Is Now Easier Than Ever Before

Being the latest version of Ektron, v9 of the popular content management system (CMS) obviously packs a lot more enhancements and useful features for web developers than any of its past avatars. However, one of the most noteworthy features, at least as far as developers are concerned, is probably the extensive support for mobilization. Indeed, there are a number of features that help you directly mobilize your website with Ektron. Here are a few of those:

Support for responsive design

Responsive design is the all new buzz-term among web developers. Simply put, it indicates techniques that ensure you do not have to build a separate website for each platform, from which your website can be accessed. Ektron 9 aims to change that, by allowing you to build a single website, which is accessible from all platforms. Whether a user accesses your website from a desktop computer, a tablet, a smartphone, or even a digital TV, he will always see the version optimized for that platform. You can control the visibility of every single element of your website, from banner images and photos, down to blocks of text, choosing what to display on a particular platform.

How does Ektron 9 accomplish this?

There are special “breakpoints” that you can set for each page of your website, during the design phase. These points determine how the content of your site is split into sections for optimum viewing experience on mobile devices. When a user arrives at one of these breakpoints, the first of which loads as the first page of your website is displayed, the text content is split into parts and images are automatically resized to fit the display area. You can also choose which sections of your website content will appear on different devices. For instance, that 3248x2056 snap of Scarlette Johansson might look great on the home page of your site, but it may not display well on the smaller screens of smartphones. Why not choose a smaller version to display on mobile devices and provide a link to the larger version for fans to download?

Enhanced preview of mobile content

This is a great tool to have at hand. Ektron 9 actually shows you how the content of your site would look on a mobile device, during the design phase itself. Check out the preview and fix any problems with the look of the site, right there. You may do this for multiple types of mobile devices, from smartphones to tablets and every other compatible device in the middle.

Ektron 9 has been designed from the ground up as the perfect CMS for you to develop mobile websites. Packed with many new enhancements and built to support most popular mobile devices, the content management system is bound to make web development a pleasure for you. Get it today and build the perfect website for your business. The built in business tools should also help you promote your business on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, reaching out to more visitors than you ever could before.  

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