
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Use Chatbots to Build a Strong Brand Image

This is good time to be famous. Social media, being omnipresent in nature, is practically shaping people’s personalities today. The abundance of social media platforms and chatbots that can be maid available on those platforms, have made it easier for businesses to create a strong brand image for themselves. 

Most brands, irrespective of their sizes, have already invested in chatbot development in order to serve their customers better. Enhanced customer experiences and streamlined business processes are enabling brands to improve their return over investment (ROI).

Creating a strong brand image by leveraging chatbot services takes a bit of intensive strategizing. Just because a business has a bot, doesn’t necessarily mean that users are going to like using it. There are certain factors that determine whether a brand’s bot is efficient enough and is actually helping the business to grow. These are:

I. The bot must demonstrate empathy. Nobody likes a bot that comes across as cold, uncaring or worse, rude. Though customers rely ;on actions more than they do on words, crisp yet friendly conversations are vital to convince the customer that the brand truly cares about them.

II. The bot should have a personality, whether it is being marketed as a fictional character (for example - Officer Judy Hopps from Zootopia), or just a voice assistant (like Siri). A bot with its own character traits can easily transcend the boundaries of technology and become a constant companion for the user. What if the user could communicate with a brand’s bot as a friend and not access it only when they required an information or a service?

III. Chatbots should truly add value to the brand by being as efficient as it can be. If a brand simply replicates what it already offers on other channels to a user, it is falling short of capitalising on the advantages of the available space has to offer. The chatbot’s main goal should be deliver fast, on-the-go engagements. 

Considering the above factors can help a business perfect their chatbot services. Brands that are waiting for the space to evolve before they can jump on the chatbot bandwagon should definitely incorporate the aforementioned qualities in their bots and gain a competitive edge.

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